Picture Perfect Maternity and Baby Sessions

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St. Cloud, MN Children’s Birthday Photographer | Gemma’s 2 Year Birthday Session

Although the most popular birthday photography package at Tiny Hearts Studio is definitely the one year cake smash, I love celebrating other birthdays with kiddos too! It was so much fun to have Miss Gemma in my St. Cloud studio for a 2 year birthday session!

Although the most popular birthday photography package at Tiny Hearts Studio is definitely the one year cake smash, I love celebrating other birthdays with kiddos too! It was so much fun to have Miss Gemma in my St. Cloud studio for a 2 year birthday session!

2 year old girl sitting on wicker chair, hugging pink balloon and smiling

We’ve all heard of the terrible twos, but actually, 2 years old can be a really fun age as well. Children are becoming more independent and talking more, and they love to play and pretend! I certainly had a great time with Gemma. And she enjoyed playing with her balloons and testing out poses on a couple of the studio’s wicker chairs. I find that keeping things flexible and child-led makes for a fun photo experience for everyone!

2 year birthday session from St. Cloud, MN children's birthday photographer
Toddler girl in denim dress standing on wicker chair with balloons in background

If you want to get professional photos of your child on a regular basis (and you should!), annual birthday pictures can be the perfect way to do it. Upcoming birthdays are an automatic reminder to schedule your child’s photoshoot. (These pictures also make wonderful invitations or gifts!)

Smiling 2-year-old girl with balloons behind her at birthday photoshoot

As a professional St. Cloud, MN children’s birthday photographer, I’d love to help you celebrate this special time in your child’s life—and make sure you have those memories to cherish forever! Contact Tiny Hearts Studio today to book your session!

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St. Cloud, MN Baby Photographer | Brother and Sister Milestone Session

It isn’t too often that I get a brother and sister in together for a milestone session! This family wasn’t able to get newborn photos because baby was born early and mom was sick. But just as baby boy was turning 3 months, their daughter was getting ready to celebrate her third birthday, so it turned out to be the perfect time to get pictures!

These parents were a little worried about how the session would go. The little guy is a fussy baby and doesn’t tolerate much at a time. And although the camera loves their daughter she doesn’t feel the same way! Dad bribed her with the promise of ice fishing that weekend if she did well at the shoot. (Smart guy!) They’ve never had good, smiley photos of her, so they were thrilled with what a great job she did! They said she felt really comfortable in the studio—which I love to hear! But I’m sure Dad’s bribe helped too!

Sometimes all it takes is a little creativity—and quick camera work before baby gets fussy—to make a session go way more smoothly than you ever expected! If you have concerns about how your little one will do for their milestone session, don’t hesitate to ask questions! As a St. Cloud, MN baby photographer I’ve seen it all and I have plenty of tips you can try!

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